Slides and Videos (under construction)
These are from various talks I have given.
The Structure of the Maximal Development for Shock-Forming 3D Compressible Euler Solutions, Hyperbolic & Dispersive PDE Seminar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, September 2023
The Structure of the Maximal Development in 3D Compressible Euler Flow, Workshop on “Singularity Formation in General Relativity and Dispersive PDEs,” International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK, May 2023
Cosmological Singularities in General Relativity: The Complete Sub-Critical Regime, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Virtual talk, April 2021
A New Formulation of Relativistic Euler Flow: Miraculous Geo-Analytic Structures and Applications, Mathematical Perspectives of Gravitation beyond the Vacuum Regime, The Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria, Virtual Talk, February 2021
The Structure of the Maximal Development in 3D Compressible Euler Flow, Workshop on “Singularity Formation in General Relativity and Dispersive PDEs,” International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK, May 2023
Cosmological Singularities in General Relativity: The Complete Sub-Critical Regime, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Virtual talk, April 2021
A New Formulation of Relativistic Euler Flow: Miraculous Geo-Analytic Structures and Applications, Mathematical Perspectives of Gravitation beyond the Vacuum Regime, The Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria, Virtual Talk, February 2021